Project Title: Red Planet - Movie Poster Design
Project Summary:
Red Planet is a conceptual movie poster designed as a personal project, blending classic science fiction visuals with a sense of eerie wonder. Set against the vast, starry expanse of space, the poster features a lone astronaut floating above the ominously glowing surface of a red planet. The tagline, “Some places shouldn’t be explored,” adds an element of suspense, hinting at the dangers and mysteries lurking within this alien world.
The title, Red Planet, appears in bold red sans-serif font at the bottom of the poster, situated where the light fades into shadow on the planet’s surface, symbolizing the thin line between discovery and peril. This design emphasizes high contrast and minimalism, drawing focus to the central figure and enhancing the tension of isolation in an unknown realm.
This project demonstrates my skills in composition, typography, and color theory, using bold design choices to convey mood and narrative. By including Red Planet in my portfolio, I aim to showcase my ability to create visually captivating, story-driven designs that engage the viewer’s imagination.